InvestmentNews today announced the winners of the first annual Best Practices awards, acknowledging 24 advisory firms in two categories, human capital management and technology.
Award winners were honored at a best practices workshop in Chicago.
The awards were given based on results from the InvestmentNews Compensation and Staffing Study, as well as personal interviews.
The winners are as follows:
Human Capital Management, Industry Innovators:
Balasa Dinverno Foltz LLC, Itasca, Ill., bdfllc.com
Briaud Financial Advisors, College Station, Texas, briaud.com
Fish & Associates, Memphis, Tenn., fishandassociates.com
JMG Financial Group Ltd., Oak Brook, Ill., jmgfinancial.com
JVL Associates LLC, Wyoming, Mich., jvlassociates.com
Singer Xenos Wealth Management, Coral Gables, Fla., singerxenos.com
Human Capital Management, Top-Performing firms:
Johnson Carriar Kruchten Anderson & Associates, Saint Cloud, Minn., ameripriseadvisors.com
Pinnacle Advisory Group Inc., Columbia, Md., pinnacleadvisory.com
Rinvelt & David LLC, Grand Rapids, Mich., rinveltdavid.com
Roof Advisory Group Inc., Harrisburg, Pa., roofadvisory.com
Vintage Financial Services LLC, Ann Arbor, Mich., vintagefs.com
Willow Street Advisors LLC, Naples, Fla., willowstreetadvisors.com
Overall Use of Technology, Industry Innovators:
Empirical Wealth Management, Seattle, empirical.net
Financial Plan Inc., Bellingham, Wash., financialplaninc.com
Joseph Barry Co. LLC, New Bedford, Mass., josephbarry.com
Searcy Financial Services Inc., Overland Park, Kan., searcyfinancial.com
Strategic Capital Allocation Group LLC, Boston, scagrp.com
The Arkansas Financial Group Inc., Little Rock, Ark., arfinancial.com
Overall Use of Technology, Top-Performing Firms:
Bedrock Capital Management Inc., Los Altos, Calif., bedrockcapital.com
Budros Ruhlin & Roe Inc., Columbus, Ohio, b-r-r.com
Evensky & Katz LLC, Coral Gables, Fla., evensky.com
Roof Advisory Group Inc., Harrisburg, Pa., roofadvisory.com
Shelton Financial Group Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind., sheltonfinancial.com
Yellow Brick Road Financial Advisors LLC, San Francisco, ybrfinancialadvisors.com
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